Laura Lindzey

robots, science, code

Features of a Successful Internship

October 28, 2014

Between my MS and starting a PhD, I did a few internships. One in particular stood out as a fantastic experience, and I've been thinking about what they did so right. Read on →

Would I do Hacker School Again?

October 19, 2014

Towards the end of our interview for the Hacker School study, Leah asked me an interesting question: Would you want to do Hacker School again?

And, my answer is: I loved it, but no, not right now. Programming is no longer the thing I struggle most with. Read on →


September 04, 2014

My most sustained project at Hacker School was working through NAND2tetris. I finished the whole course, with the exception of chapter 9, because I figured I didn’t need to write a game in Jack when I’d have to write an OS in it later. After seeing a current student ask for peoples’ experiences with the course, I realized that I had more to say than could fit easily in the HS chat program. Read on →